Mother’s Group Leaders Called to Lead
Mother’s Group leaders take note! Covid19 has changed the parameters of our meetings and celebrating mass, but it has not dampened our spirits.
Many of us may not be hosting face-to-face gatherings. That is understandable as parishes struggle to deal with the fallout from the pandemic. The past six month have not been easy. We have seen our churches closed, mass suspended, and meetings and social gatherings put on hold.
What are we to do? Do we fold like a house of cards, or do we put on our mantle of grace and meet the challenge?
While we have had to adapt to a changing world in these challenging times of pandemic, we cannot let separation divide us. At this moment in time we must continue to lead. We are living in unprecedented times when a tiny germ has brought us to our knees. But it cannot dampen our spirits.
Cardinal Collins in his talk at the RiseUp! conference spoke eloquently about how closing the churches because of Covid19 was a difficult but necessary decision. To be a good Christian means to we need to look out for one another. While the beautiful St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica in downtown Toronto was closed, our Cardinal was able to reach thousands of people in the city through the televised celebration of daily mass. In fact, many thousands of people around the world were able to tune in to daily mass at the cathedral.
Dr. Josephine Lombardi gave a powerful presentation on how leaders struggle with making the right decision. As mother’s group leaders, Dr. Lombardi encourages us to continue …”mothering…(our mothers) with our wisdom, and life experience; to be apostles for God and to educate and pray for mothers who are struggling with their own (life) situations.”
How we do things may have changed because of Covid19, but that does not me we throw in the towel and give up. We have the resources to continue to minster to mothers. We need to be united with our Church leaders and parishes and be available to do the work we have been entrusted to do. Like the apostle Paul, we need to use the means we have to bring people closer to Jesus. Technology has given us the opportunity to stay connected and to continue our mission to minister to mothers. Now is not the time to run in hide. It is the time we stand, we RiseUp! and continue our mission.
Rema Celio
Rema Celio an award-winning professional editor. She has worked in educational publishing for over 20 years, for both Pearson Education Canada, and recently at the Insurance Institute of Canada. Rema is active in her parish of St. Benedict where she sings in the choir and leads the Catholic Moms Group. She is happily married and the mother of two teen-aged boys. Rema loves to read, cook and bake with her husband, and knit. With her family, she enjoys playing cards, watching movies, and going for walks. Rema recently graduated with her certificate in Theological Studies from St. Augustine's Seminary/UofT.