In joining a Catholic Mothers Group, you automatically get connected to a network of prayer. These prayers will strengthen, inspire, and energize you.

Our ministry is consecrated to Our Lady of Czestochowa. We turn to Our Blessed Mother daily, asking her to help us in every need. Four saints that we often turn to in prayer include: St. John Paul the Great, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Gemma Galgani and St. Padre Pio.
The foundation of our ministry is prayer. At each of our meetings we pray for both our own group’s intentions, as well as all of the mothers groups that are connected to our network of mothers groups. Our ministry is reliant on intercessory prayers. At the suggestion of Fr. James Casper SCJ, the ministry approached the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, to be our ministry’s prayer intercessors. When our founder, Dorothy Pilarski, asked the Sisters to pray for our ministry, the request was sent to Sister Eileen Mary, and she was supportive of this project, and shared it with the Congregation communication. Approval was granted. We are eternally grateful for their prayerful support of this ministry. Right from the ministry’s inception, we have also written to Mother Angelica’s nuns, the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. Dozens of prayer requests submitted through their website at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament have been answered. Praise God. The Felician Sisters, officially known as the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi, (specifically the convent in Mississauga) have also been praying for the ministry daily. Both Sister Archangela and Sister Christina Kazimierek are loyal prayer intercessors.
We would like to ask you to take on this particular movement of mothers as a part of their regular prayer regiment. We pray that you too become a prayer partner in helping us reclaim the vocation of motherhood. Would you consider becoming our prayer partner? We need your prayers!

YES! I would like to help your ministry in it’s mission to revive the vocation of motherhood. I commit to spending one hour in Eucharistic Adoration as a prayer intercessor (and in reparation) for mothers who are not able to pass down a vibrant Catholic spirituality to their children. Please notify me of any needs in your ministry as they arise, so I can pray for them. You can depend on the following prayer commitment from me:
Little Miracles

Would you like our ministry to pray for you and your baby?
Our ministry has a prayer team called Little Miracles praying specifically for moms who are expecting. If you would like us to pray for you and your baby during your pregnancy, we are here to help! Just fill out the form below: