Joyful Mother’s Groups
I’ve started up a new ministry at my Parish. This once introverted and anxious person is now leading women in prayer, meeting with our Pastor, and searching out the man with the keys after Mass to open locked rooms. Who am I? I hardly recognize myself, but that’s a good thing!
It started several years ago, I had recently become Catholic, had my first child and was desperate to connect with other Catholic women. My husband and I attended Mass regularly, but we didn’t participate in any Church activities or Ministries. And being such an introvert, I took to the internet to see if there were other Catholic women and mother’s online. The first one I found was Dorothy Pilarski and her Gutsy Catholic Mom blog. I ordered her book Motherhood Matters, and felt like I had found what I had been looking for! Things just started to get going after that. I found other Catholics online, I attended my first of many Dynamic Women of Faith conferences, and I was so very happy.
At each of those events, Dorothy is sure to present the offer to help you start a Mother’s Group of your own. She has experience the awesomeness that a Mother’s Group can bring having hosted her own for the last 20 years. And at the 2015 conference, she had forms on each table that you could fill out if you wanted more information. She was making it so easy to say yes. And when you say yes to Him, incredible things happen.
Over the last few months I have been in contact with Dorothy, and my Church, and we have finally rolled out the Holy Family Mother’s Group in Whitby ON.
Have you ever attended a Dynamic Women of Faith conference? I always leave feeling inspired, joyful, and ready to take on anything! Knowing that there are other women out there so in love with their Faith is a beautiful thing. And getting to experience that high monthly, with local women, perhaps women you will also see at Mass each week, or whose children go to the same school as yours, is an even more beautiful thing.
We have only had one meeting so far, but it has been such a rewarding experience!
I’m no theologian, and I am fairly new to the Faith, but Dorothy’s format that has been approved by the Archdiocese of Toronto makes it so easy to lead a group of women in prayer and discussion. Don’t feel like you aren’t good enough to start up a group, or you don’t have enough time. I’ve got 3 young kids with very busy schedules, and a fourth on the way, and I’m able to manage 1 night a month, I’m sure you could too. We will all hold your hand through the process, and be here to support you, after all, that is what us Catholic Moms do best!
Maureen Poland