Supermoms Unite!: My First Mothers Group Experience
I had been looking forward to yesterday for a couple of weeks now. I even marked it on my fridge calendar: “Mothers Group meeting at 8pm.” I’ve wanted to get more involved in my church, so when Father Joseph mentioned during mass that a mothers group for our parish was forming, I knew this would be my ticket in!
We all sat quietly as the mom from my parish who initiated the group began the meeting by telling us about how we would be spending our hour together every month. But the real magic happened when we all took part in the standard ice-breaker of going around the room and introducing ourselves.
One by one, each mom stood up and opened her heart to complete strangers. And each stranger, either with sympathetic eyes or an encouraging hug, lightened her load.
By the time my turn came around, I felt compelled to share my story with them, how my mom passed away almost a year ago. I wasn’t planning on opening up to them like that, but something felt so right. One mom put it best when she pointed out how we immediately connected to each other, just by the simple fact that we’re all mothers. In that instant, I knew exactly why I was drawn to attend this group. In losing my mom, I have gained many more, with different experiences and perspectives. So, even though nobody can ever replace my mom, it’s comforting to know that twenty new mom friends are in my corner, armed with words of wisdom and prayers.
I came with the intention to just be a fly on the wall, to see if this group was for me. I found myself surrounded by heroes. All these women were dealing with their own challenges, and still getting up every new day to fight the good fight. They were busy with their own lives, but still took the time to be here to lift other mothers up. I saw strength in every mom who shared her story, and found it funny how we all showed up to this meeting for the same thing: support when we feel weak, camaraderie when we feel alone.
The angelic sounds of the choir practicing in the other room added that special touch. The positive energy in the foyer was so magical and awesome, I could only describe it as the presence of the Holy Spirit, or even our Blessed Mother taking her seat in one of the empty chairs among us.
Something amazing happens when a group of women – especially moms – get together. And tonight was no exception.
I can’t wait until next month to see how this group unfolds. I’ve marked it on my fridge calendar. And beside my calendar, I’ve posted the brochure from last night. So, whenever I look at it, I will remember to say three Hail Mary’s for all the mothers of my parish who are carrying a cross alone.
(This is a mothers group approved by the Archdiocese of Toronto. To learn more about it, or to connect with a group close to you… or to just read about other awesome “supermoms”, feel free to check out
Reena Lewis
Reena Lewis is a home childcare provider and a family coach. She lives in Ajax with her husband and her two kids, a boy and a girl. Whether it's a terrific-two's type of meltdown, or an epic naptime fail, she is grateful everyday for her two blessings from God. Without them, she wouldn't be the proud recipient of the world's greatest honour: Mom.