
MG Leaders – Don’t Let COVID Break You!

MG Leaders – Don’t Let COVID Break You!

As we enter another COVID school year, we are bracing ourselves for a different vibe on how teaching and learning will be delivered. Some families have opted to home school, some have opted for online, and some have decided …

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5 Ways to Have Fun During the Summer Months

5 Ways to Have Fun During the Summer Months

The air is warm, the sun is blazing, and the kids are home. Summer is the perfect time to kick back and relax, while also reconnecting with family! As moms, it can be hard to juggle work, running a household …

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What Makes a Good Mother Good? — 10 Characteristics

What Makes a Good Mother Good? — 10 Characteristics

It’s Mother’s Day, and I feel called to share with you a reflection I wrote about my mom. I feel called to tell you a little bit about her… Our family immigrated to Canada from Poland when I was just a little over two years old …

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Lent Feels a Little Different This Year

Lent Feels a Little Different This Year

The year 2020 was difficult for everyone, and because of the pandemic, we gave up so much: seeing loved ones and friends, events like weddings and funerals, and even being able to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion. With lockdowns still happening …

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What can we do to keep Advent holy during COVID-19?

What can we do to keep Advent holy during COVID-19?

Mother’s Group leaders take note! Covid19 has changed the parameters of our meetings and celebrating mass, but it has not dampened our spirits. If you haven’t noticed, this year is a bit different than years passed. COVID may have put roadblocks in meeting and gathering …

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Mother’s Group Leaders Called to Lead

Mother’s Group Leaders Called to Lead

Mother’s Group leaders take note! Covid19 has changed the parameters of our meetings and celebrating mass, but it has not dampened our spirits. Many of us may not be hosting face-to-face gatherings. That is understandable as parishes …

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Lessons in Leadership: RiseUP! Mother’s Group Leaders

Lessons in Leadership: RiseUP! Mother’s Group Leaders

Cardinal Thomas Collins said there is no mistaking what the last six months of dealing with COVID-19 has been: a plague on our world. But it’s also been a learning experience for himself, the Catholic Church in Toronto, indeed, for everyone …

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Mama, Don’t Pass the Buck

Mama, Don’t Pass the Buck

At the beginning of the Rite for Baptism the priest or deacon says to the parents: You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring them up to keep Gods …

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Top Ten List for a Happy Marriage

Top Ten List for a Happy Marriage

July 28th is our wedding anniversary. It is such a special day. It holds so much joy and promise and it’s a day that we celebrate to the fullest! Yesterday was July 28th and we celebrated our 19th anniversary by going to a private Mass that was offered for us, then …

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A Powerful Letter to one Mother

A Powerful Letter to one Mother

When I was a young mother, with two children under foot, I had a number of different friendships. Women that I talked to about a whole bunch of things. Some friends were pursuing their careers with a vengeance, travelling internationally, others were immersed …

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10 Tips for Dealing with Your Mother-in-Law

10 Tips for Dealing with Your Mother-in-Law

Recently, in another group, a young wife and mom asked for some advice about dealing with her mother-in-law and the post exploded. I can’t remember exactly how many comments there were, but I am pretty sure it was close to two hundred or so …

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5 Blessings from 1 Decision

5 Blessings from 1 Decision

One year into our marriage my husband happily told anyone who would listen the secret to a happy marriage. A deep freeze. He wasn’t wrong. Many of the arguments in our first few months as husband and wife centred around food …

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62 Resources for Pornography Addiction

62 Resources for Pornography Addiction

Internet addiction, pornography, infidelity are all serious, complex and painful crosses to work through in a marriage (and otherwise). We are not experts in these fields. We do encourage …

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A Mother in the House

A Mother in the House

During my childhood years (that’s the 1950’s) the Blessed Virgin Mary was a warm, embracing presence within the Catholic community. We named schools and churches after her, hung her picture in prominent places and constantly sought her intercession …

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High Five – He’s ALIVE!!

High Five – He’s ALIVE!!

Easter Monday is traditionally the day I stock up on enough half-price Easter treats to aid in keeping my little ones convinced it’s still Easter for the next 50 days. Like Jesus appearing by surprise to his disciples in the weeks following his Resurrection, surprise Easter-egg hunts pop up often throughout …

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5 Important Reminders for Moms

5 Important Reminders for Moms

Since we can’t meet face to face, live at our local parishes, we at have been hosting virtual Mother’s Group meetings. Every time I have been invited to speak at one of these meetings I am doing my best to remind moms of five things …

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